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Children Left in Car So Parents Could Drink

A man and a woman were arrested in Cave Creek on Friday for leaving their children in the family car while their parents could continue to drink at a local restaurant. According to Fox 10 News, the couple had arrived at the restaurant with the children about 8:30 in...

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Student Killed in Hit-and-Run Accident

[column width="1/1" last="true" title="" title_type="single" animation="none" implicit="true"] In a tragic accident on Sunday night, a Northern Arizona University student was killed when she was struck from behind by a truck in Flagstaff. According to witnesses, the...

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Facebook and Online Impersonation in Arizona 2012

[column width="1/1" last="true" title="" title_type="single" animation="none" implicit="true"] The anonymity of the internet in general, and, some believe, of social networking sites such as Facebook, continue to cause problems for innocent people. Last week it was...

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Aggravated DUI with a Minor Passenger

Earlier this month a Mesa woman was arrested on suspicion of aggravated driving under the influence of drugs while her one-year old son was a passenger in the vehicle. According to the news report, the driver crossed over a sidewalk and careened into a propane tank....

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Wiretapping Offenses 2012

[column width="1/1" last="true" title="" title_type="single" animation="none" implicit="true"] Arizona has a number of criminal laws dealing with illegal wiretapping and recording of telephone conversations. Our interest in this subject has been heightened by a case...

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2012 Law to Require Parolees to Pay for Drug Tests

[column width="1/1" last="true" title="" title_type="single" animation="none" implicit="true"] A new bill signed by the governor in April of this year will require parolees and those on community supervision to pay for any required drug testing fees as a condition of...

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Golf Cart Ride Leads to DUI Charge

[column width="1/1" last="true" title="" title_type="single" animation="none" implicit="true"] Charges of driving under the influence (DUI) can result from some unusual activities. Earlier this month, the drummer for rocker Ted Nugent was arrested for DUI and other...

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