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Probation Attorney in Phoenix
Have you been threatened with a probation violation?
Probation Violations Can Lead to Incarceration
Finding an effective criminal lawyer can be a challenging and time-consuming task. If you have been charged with violating your probation, threatened with a violation, or if you believe that you may not be able to fulfill the conditions of your probation, contact the Law Offices of David A. Black. We will see to it that our rights are protected.
It can be difficult to move on with your life after being charged with any type of crime, and we understand what you’re going through. We want to help you avoid incarceration and get your life back in order. Call us to talk about how we can help you defend a probation violation charge.
Defending Probation Violations
Probation violations can include missing a mandatory class, treatment session or meeting, being charged with an additional crime while on probation or breaking any of the stipulations agreed upon for your probationary period. If you violate your probation, you can face additional punishments, including incarceration.
In Arizona, it is mandatory for anyone on probation to seek employment to pay for his or her supervision fees and court fees. You will probably also be required to check in with a probation officer on a strict schedule. Your probation officer must also be kept up-to- date about your employment and any treatment programs you undergo during your time on probation.
While on probation, it is illegal to handle or own any type of firearm or deadly weapon. It is not unusual for probation officers to perform home visits to make sure you aren’t in possession of any illegal contraband. Probation officers have the power to search your home without prior notice and can arrest you without issuing a warrant first. And the charges could be wide-ranging.
Examples of Probation Violations
Here are some specific potential probation violations with which you could be charged. There are, of course, many others:
- Failure to report to your probation officer.
- Failure to adhere to any of the conditions of your probation.
- Failure to pay your fines.
- Failure to appear in court as and when required.
- Commission of a crime.
- Failure to complete community service.
- Failing a drug test.
If you are charged with a probation violation, the stakes are high, including the possibility of incarceration. This is no time to try to handle things on your own. For some people who are on probation, even if they have not yet been violated, they may believe they will be unable to fulfill the requirements imposed. In either case, your interests are best served by retaining the services of an attorney as early as possible.
Phoenix Probation Violation Lawyer
At the Law Offices of David A. Black, we are experienced at representing clients who are on probation. We understand what is involved, and how best to avoid serious consequences if a violation is alleged. If you have been charged with violating your probation, or if you anticipate a violation, contact us as soon as possible at (480)-280-8028 to schedule a free consultation.