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Legal Fees and Costs

David A. Black Criminal Defense Attorney

In Arizona, lawyers charge fees on an hourly, flat, or contingency basis. Criminal lawyers are only permitted to charge hourly or flat fees. At our firm, we evaluate each case and client on a situation-specific basis to determine the appropriate fee structure.

Flat fees are fees that cover a case or portion of a case. In contrast to hourly fees, flat fees do not change with the duration or intensity of the work performed. They are established in advance. The advantage of flat fees for the client are certainty and the ability to communicate with the lawyer regularly without fear of running up a huge bill. In Arizona, flat fees must include an hourly rate. In the event the client terminates representation prior to the conclusion of a matter, a refund based upon hours worked will be tendered.

Hourly fees are fees based upon the time spent on a matter. Most traditional law firms bill hourly, and we do from time to time as well. Hourly fees can require an advanced retainer that is billed against, but they can also be paid after the hours are worked. This depends on the client and nature of the work.

In most criminal matters, our firm charges a flat fee for the non-appellate pretrial work and an hourly fee for the trial work. This is called a hybrid fee.

Costs, unlike fees, can either be absorbed by the firm or paid by the client. Costs in criminal cases most often include expert witnesses and investigators. We never retain an expert or specific investigator without first getting the green light from the client, and under some circumstances, we have been successful at having the court pay for these expenses.

Law Offices of David A. Black
40 North Central Avenue
Suite 1850
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
Email: Info@dbdefense.com
Phone: (480) 280-8028